Top Sirloin Butt

Sterling Silver top sirloin butt is cut from the sirloin primal – and bagged separately from the sirloin rump muscle. It is available in two ways: the top cap butt or center cut. With ample marbling, our tender, boneless top sirloin butt delivers a lean, flavorful eating experience. Along with menu versatility.

Boneless Strip Loin

The strip loin is a boneless top loin muscle. A fairly tender cut, the strip loin is juicy, well marbled and loaded with flavor.

Short Loin

The general rule of beef is this: the further the cut is from the horn or the hoof, the more tender it is. This is definitely the case for the short loin. Containing part of the spine, the top loin and the tenderloin, this beef is usually cut into some of the best steaks available.


A non-weight bearing muscle which is not toughened by animal activity, tenderloin is wonderfully tender, lean, succulent and rich in flavor.

Plate Short Ribs

Our plate short ribs are two-inch thick, meaty and visually inviting – as the bone often provides additional presentation possibilities. With preparation that breaks down the connective tissues, these tender ribs offer excellent beef flavor and dining pleasure.

Inside Skirt Steak

Inside skirt steak is cut from the transversus abdominis muscle, while outside skirt steak is cut from the diaphragm muscle. Both cuts are lean and fibrous with robust beef flavor.    Inside skirt steak is a narrower and thinner cut, with all membrane removed from the meat.

Outside Skirt Steak

Skirt steak is cut from the diaphragm muscle or outside skirt. Lean and fibrous, it delivers robust beef flavor and dining satisfaction when prepared properly. Outside skirt steak is wide and thick, with some membrane still attached. 

Hanger Steak (Tender)

Cut from the plate primal, hanger steak literally hangs between the rib and the loin. Because this muscle does very little work, it has minimal marbling, but is packed with flavor. Some say that hanging so close to the kidney imparts extra flavor and a coarser texture on this beef.

Blade and Lifter Meat

Cut from the outside of the rib primal, Sterling Silver blade and lifter meat provides excellent beef flavor and a nice, tender texture. This relatively thin, flat cut is perfect for marinated strips, steaks, skewers, steak sliders, global dishes (including fajitas) and more.

Finger Meat

Finger meat consists of finger-like strips of beef that come from between the individual ribs in the rib primal. Finger meat offers nice rib flavor but has a somewhat tough texture. Tenderizing, marinating and choosing the right cook method will help make these rib-strips quite satisfying.